Late spring campaign of the CULTIVAR-soil project team

The Soil Ecology and Ecotoxicology Laboratory of the Centre for Functional Ecology – Science for People & the Planet and Department of Life Sciences – UC in action. Late spring campaign of the CULTIVAR-solo project team (Marie, Maria, Ricardo and Eduardo) in the area of Idanha-a-Nova where the evaluation of the functional diversity of the […]
Another article of the CULTIVAR project

Another article made in CULTIVAR: Identification and morphological, molecular and genomic characterization of Monilinia fructicola in Prunus persica from Portugal. This study was developed within the scope of the CULTIVAR project and the PhD in Biosciences of Elsa Baltazar and involved researchers from the Pedro Nunes Institute, CATAA – Centre for Agro-Food Technological Support and […]
CULTIVAR in the Afonso de Paiva Group in Castelo Branco

In an organization of the Living Science Club at School, was held on May 25th in the auditorium of the Afonso de Paive Grouping in Castelo Branco, the Lecture “Intestinal Microbiota” for students of the 9th year of the Grouping. Guided by the Researcher of CATAA – Associação Centro de Apoio Tecnológico Agro-Alimentarde Castelo Branco […]
Collaborate with CULTIVAR and participate in the survey on cowpea

The CULTIVAR team requests your participation and dissemination of the survey “Perceptions of the populations about the cowpea and the varieties grown in Portugal”. This survey aims to understand your perception of this resource, the benefits it brings to society, as well as the appreciation and preservation of Portuguese varieties. The questionnaire is online, anonymous […]
CULTIVAR in the presentation of issue no. 13 of Sabucale magazine

On May 18th, Anabela Paula, Paula Castro and Isabel Passos were present at the presentation of issue no. 13 of the magazine of the Museu do Sabugal, Sabucale, which was presented on the date that marks the International Day of Museums, this year under the theme ‘Museums, Sustainability and Well-being’. On the occasion were present […]
CULTIVAR in the 4th edition of “Terra Batida”

On May 10th, a very relaxed conversation took place between Fundão and Póvoa da Atalaia between the CULTIVAR program and the Terra Batida project (4th edition, Parasita Association), which held a residency from May 1st to 14th at Fundão. Through the pedestrian route dedicated to the writer Eugénio de Andrade, Anabela Paula and Paula Castro […]
CULTIVAR in the advanced course: “Ecosystem Services: concepts, tools and applications”

Paula Castro and Anabela Paula participated as guest speakers of the advanced course: “Ecosystem Services: concepts, tools and applications”, on May 9th, at the Institute for Bio-Sustainability of the University of Minho, in Braga, having presented the communication “Services of the agroecosystems of Beira Interior + participatory methodologies”. In addition to presenting the CULTIVAR project […]
CULTIVAR at the 1st conference of the COST action “European Network for Innovative Woody Plant Cloning”

At the end of April (17th and 18th), CULTIVAR was present at the first conference of the COST action “European Network for Innovative Woody Plant Cloning” (CopyTree – CostAction 21157), which took place in Santiago de Compostela. At the conference, some of the results obtained in the CULTIVAR project were shared. Thus, Ana Pedrosa and […]

CULTIVAR was present at the KICAP Seminar that took place on April 27th at Epadrv Vagos (Professional and Rural Development School of Vagos) and that involved the entire community of the school, and which also had the participation of alun@s from the Conde S. Bento de Santo Tirso Agricultural Professional School and the Kold College. […]
Technical Days of CULTIVAR in the RTP Telejornal

The Technical Journeys – Pollination and Pollinators in fruit trees were highlighted in the RTP Report on “The Apocalypse of Insects”. The report was broadcast on April 24th on RTP’s Telejornal, and which has the participation of the FLOWer Lab of the Centre for Functional Ecology – Science for People & the Planet, in particular […]