My name is Sara Lopes, I have a degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Ecology from the University of Coimbra and, currently, I am a PhD student at this institution.
I have been part of flower lab (Centre for Functional Ecology – Science for People & the Planet) since 2016 and my main interests are the ecology and conservation of endangered plant species, plant-pollinator interactions, floral biology and pollination ecology.
In CULTIVAR, I collaborate in the project ”Valorization of wild pollinators for sustainable pollination services in agroecosystems” which includes the theme of my PhD ”Plant-pollinator interactions: a threatened mutualism with implications in the ecology and conservation of threatened plants”.
I am also involved in mapping pollination services in Beira Interior, evaluating the variation in space and time of pollination services in agroecosystems and also in the evaluation of the impact of green infrastructure on pollinators and pollination services in intensive and super intensive almond orchards.
For the realization of my PhD project it is necessary to:
– Monitor plant-pollinator interactions along a landscape disturbance gradient;
– Evaluate the efficiency of pollinators by quantifying pollen deposited in stigmata;
– Study the reproduction system through manual pollination.
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