Expected Results

Biophysical characterization of the territory and its socio-economic and demographic dynamics

Integrated characterization of the territory, both at the biophysical, socio-economic and demographic levels, and in terms of predominant land uses, which will be available to integrate or support the development of tasks associated with other lines of research in order to understand the evolution of the territory over the last 50 years, past trends and the current situation, which will help define the potential for the endogenous resources identified for valorization.

Characterization of endogenous natural genetic resources in landscape windows

Validation of a replicable methodological approach that can be adjusted to various landscape windows by building an open database composed of multiple layers of information, including mapping and characterization of endogenous genetic resources (phenology, morphology, physiology, genetics), abiotic and biotic factors, as well as past and current socio-cultural practices of resource use and management, allowing the mapping of the social networks that are established around them.

Evaluation and monitoring of ecosystem services relevant to selected endogenous natural genetic resources

Characterization of ecosystem services fundamental to the conservation, supply and sustainable management of selected endogenous natural genetic resources, making the data obtained available in the form of easy to interpret cartograms on the open platform created under this Integrated Programmed.

Sustainable valorization of selected endogenous natural genetic resources

Characterization of the threats and vulnerabilities that pose the greatest challenges to selected ecosystem services and endogenous genetic resources and through the spatialization of these results an action plan will be developed with dedicated adaptation/mitigation strategies and select the areas where implementation should be a priority. Good practice guides will be developed in conjunction with the application of in situ and ex situ conservation measures, involving local actors at all stages.

Research Line 5 - Characterization of the innovation potential of endogenous natural genetic resources

Valuing the value chains associated with the use of endogenous resources little used in this region, optimizing their availability, generating differentiated products in the market, identifying new applications and contexts of use, such as innovative functional foods, as well as the implementation and development of eco-efficiency tools that allow a more careful management of production factors, optimizing the consumption of energy and raw materials.

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