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#CULTIVARServiços #CuidarEcossistemas – Fundão “ecosystem services” workshop

On the 8th of March, CULTIVAR and F4F – PP6 MyFORESt teams organized a workshop in the Municipio do Fundão, to identify and map the services of forest and agricultural ecosystems in this region.

It was an afternoon of dialogue, exchange of opinions and a lot of learning.

We thank the institutions that were present: Appizêzere, ADACB – Associação Distrital Agricultores Castelo Branco, Adega do Fundão, Cerfundão, iNature, Caminheiros Da Gardunha, Adxtur: Agência Desenvolvimento Turístico Aldeias do Xisto, CIM Beiras e Serra da Estrela, Gardunha 21, Município do Fundão, namely the Gabinete de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (GADR), Casas e Lugares do Sentir and Incubadora A Praça.

We hope you enjoyed it and that we can meet again soon, in the next activities!

Finally, a special thanks to Câmara Municipal do Fundão for their support in organizing this workshop, at the Antigo Seminário do Fundão!

See you next time!


Outras Notícias

Another article of the CULTIVAR project

Another article made in CULTIVAR: Identification and morphological, molecular and genomic characterization of Monilinia fructicola in Prunus persica from Portugal.  This study was developed within

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