On July 3rd to 8th, CULTIVAR was well represented at the 2nd Sibecol AIL Meeting held in the municipality of Aveiro and supported by AIL – Iberian Association of Limnology, SPECO – Portuguese Society of Ecology, CESAM – Center for Environmental and Sea Studies and the University of Aveiro.
We had the participation of Anabela Paula, CULTIVAR technician of the Centre for Functional Ecology – Science for People & the Planet, who told us about Multi-actor approach in ecosystem services assessment: a case study, Isabel Passos, PhD student at IPCB – Polytechnic of Castelo Branco, who told us of “Pyrenean oak restoration under global change integrating forests land-use patterns and environmental gradients and Maria Margarida Ribeiro, CULTIVAR researcher and professor at IPCB – Politécnico de Castelo Branco, who told us of Environmental global changes on rock rose (Cistus ladanifer L.) ecological suitability, and about Mediterranean forest and global change: a meta-study.