On the 8th of March, CULTIVAR and F4F – PP6 MyFORESt teams organized a workshop in the Municipio do Fundão, to identify and map the services of forest and agricultural ecosystems in this region.
It was an afternoon of dialogue, exchange of opinions and a lot of learning.
We thank the institutions that were present: Appizêzere, ADACB – Associação Distrital Agricultores Castelo Branco, Adega do Fundão, Cerfundão, iNature, Caminheiros Da Gardunha, Adxtur: Agência Desenvolvimento Turístico Aldeias do Xisto, CIM Beiras e Serra da Estrela, Gardunha 21, Município do Fundão, namely the Gabinete de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (GADR), Casas e Lugares do Sentir and Incubadora A Praça.
We hope you enjoyed it and that we can meet again soon, in the next activities!
Finally, a special thanks to Câmara Municipal do Fundão for their support in organizing this workshop, at the Antigo Seminário do Fundão!
See you next time!